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Services: Upstream Ottawa provides community-based, client-focused and equitable mental health, substance-use health and addiction support services to adult and youth populations
Services: Jaku Konbit delivers a variety of programs for youth and elders of African and Caribbean descent
Services: Dress for Success Ottawa offers career development tools, professional development opportunities, peer support and networking as well as personalized workwear suiting sessions
Services: Maison Baldwin house is a place where women who have experienced any type of abuse can come for support, information, and a safe place to stay
Services: The YMCA offers community housing services including a family emergency shelter, a youth transitional housing program, supportive housing floors, and a supportive housing program for women
Services: 3-1-1 is the City of Ottawa's primary customer service tool
Services: Sexual Assault Support Services SDG & A is committed to the support of victims/survivors who have experienced sexual violence.
Services: Rideauwood offers a variety of programs for clients experiencing substance use, behavioural addictions and mental health issues
Services: Empathy House is a residential empowerment program that offers a variety of treatments to support women who are experiencing substance addiction.
Services: Free tax clinics help individuals with a modest income and a simple tax situation complete their tax returns
Services: The Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church offers a free tax clinic service to low income individuals who live in Ontario and have a simple tax return
Services: The Victim Support Line provides services to victims of crime and their families across Ontario
Services: The Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse program provides help for male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical
Services: The Renfrew County Youth Wellness Hub offers mental health and substance use services integrated with a range of other youth services
Services: Eastern Champlain Youth Wellness Hubs act as a one-stop-shop where youth can address all of their health and wellness needs

Counselling & Crisis

Community Supports


Shelter / Housing

Substance Use

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