
  • Men’s Hostel provides a bed, sheets, towels, basic toiletries and 3 meals daily. Personal support services and caseworkers are available to assist clients with various needs
  • Outreach services provides transportation services within the City of Ottawa
  • The Addiction Services Stabilization Program helps people work towards entering longer-term treatment programs and includes the on-site four-month Anchorage Addiction Recovery Program.
  • Residential Life Skills program provides residents with tools and knowledge to maintain independent life goals
  • Gladstone House provides short-term affordable lodging for men who are transitioning to independent living

Population Served

Open to men aged 18 years or older


Website: [acf field='agency_website']

Email: [acf field='email']

Office Phone: [acf field='office_phone']

Office Toll Free: [acf field='office_toll_free']


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